.. highlight:: bash Developer guide =============== Setup developer environment --------------------------- * sudo aptitude install git gcc python-dev bacula-console * git clone https://github.com/iElectric/almir.git almir * cd almir * cp buildout.d/templates/buildout.cfg.in buildout.cfg * vim buildout.cfg # configure variables * python bootstrap.py * bin/buildout * bin/pserve --reload development.ini Running Python tests -------------------- Easy as:: $ bin/nosetests By default it will run against sqlite fixture, you can also tell nosetests to use mysql fixture (you need to import sql manually for now):: $ DATABASE="mysql" bin/nosetests Or just specify sqlalchemy engine:: $ ENGINE="sqlite:////var/lib/bacula/bacula.db" bin/nosetests Running Javascript tests ------------------------ Install and configure phantomjs (webkit headless testing):: $ sudo apt-get install libqtwebkit-dev $ git clone git://github.com/ariya/phantomjs.git && cd phantomjs $ qmake-qt4 && make $ sudo cp bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ Run tests:: $ cd ../almir $ ./.travis_qunit_tests.sh Coding conventions ------------------ * `PEP8 `_ except for 80 char length rule * add changelog, test and documentation with code in commits * same applies to javascript * jslinted javascript Releasing :mod:`almir` ---------------------- :: $ vim almir/__init__.py # bump __version__ $ vim setup.py # bump __version__ $ vim docs/source/changelog.rst $ bin/mkrelease -S $ git checkout latests $ git merge master $ git push --tags # update http://readthedocs.org/dashboard/almir/versions/