Source code for almir.scripts.configure_deploy

"""Dirty script to output buildout.cfg, but it does the job.
import os
import getpass
import socket
import subprocess
import readline
import time
readline  # pyflakes: we import readline and raw_input has history!

import pytz
import sqlalchemy

from almir.lib.bconsole import BConsole

ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')
OUTPUT = os.path.join(ROOT, 'buildout.cfg')
extends = buildout.d/production.cfg

# define sql database connection as specified in
#sqla_engine_url = sqlite:///%%(here)s/bacula.db
#sqla_engine_url = postgresql+pg8000://bacula:<password>@hostname/<database>
#sqla_engine_url = mysql+mysqlconnector://bacula:<password>@hostname/<database>
sqla_engine_url = %(engine)s

# your timezone from TZ* column in table
# if not set, defaults to system timezone
#timezone = Europe/Ljubljana
timezone = %(timezone)s

# configure http daemon
host = %(host)s
port = %(port)s

# bconsole director parameters
director_name = %(director_name)s
director_port = %(director_port)s
director_address = %(director_address)s
director_password = %(director_password)s

[docs]def validate_open_port(v): validate_int(v) # python2.6 will overflow port integer if it is too big if int(v) not in xrange(0, 65536): raise ValueError('Cannot listen on port %s: port must be 0-65535.' % v) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind(('', int(v))) # port is open except Exception, e: raise ValueError('Cannot listen on port %s: %s' % (v, e)) finally: s.close()
[docs]def validate_timezone(v): try: pytz.timezone(v) except: raise ValueError('Invalid timezone: %s' % v)
[docs]def validate_int(v): try: int(v) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Must be an integer!')
[docs]def validate_engine(v): print 'Connecting to catalog database to verify configuration ...' try: engine = None engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(v) if 'client' not in map(lambda e: e.lower(), engine.table_names()): raise ValueError('Connection string has wrong parameters (could not connect to catalog database)') # PRAGMA: no cover except: if engine and == 'sqlite': # PRAGMA: no cover print print 'WARNING: Using sqlite, database needs to be readable by %s. Fix is usually:' % getpass.getuser() print '$ sudo gpassword -a %s bacula' % getpass.getuser() print 'You will need to relogin and restart install procedure, since permission are not updated on the fly' print # TODO: display file permissions raise print 'OK!'
[docs]def ask_question(question, default=None, validator=None, func=raw_input): good_answer = None while good_answer is None: answer = func("--> " + question) if validator and answer: try: validator(answer) except Exception, e: print ' Try again: ' + str(e) continue if answer: good_answer = answer elif not answer and default is not None: good_answer = default elif not answer and default is None: continue # add newline print return good_answer
[docs]def main(): """Entry point of this script""" print '\n\nConfiguring almir ... If you want to use the default value (where possible), press enter.\n' options = {} options['host'] = ask_question('Host to listen on (default: ', default='') options['port'] = ask_question('Port to listen on (default: 2500): ', default='2500', validator=validate_open_port) print 'Define SQL database connection to bacula catalog as specified in' print 'For example:' print ' postgresql+pg8000://<user>:<password>@<hostname>/<database>' print ' mysql+mysqlconnector://<user>:<password>@<hostname>/<database>' print ' sqlite:////var/lib/bacula/bacula.db' print ' sqlite:///bacula.db' print options['engine'] = ask_question('SQL connection string: ', validator=validate_engine) print 'Timezone of director in format of TZ* column in table' print 'For example:' print ' Europe/Ljubljana' print ' CET' print try: default_timezone = " (default: %s)" % pytz.timezone(time.tzname[0]) except: default_timezone = '' options['timezone'] = ask_question('Timezone%s' % default_timezone, default='', validator=validate_timezone) # TODO: in future we may extract this from bconsole config file? print 'Almost finished, we just need bconsole parameters to connect to director!' print 'Normally you will find needed information in /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf' print try: output = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'bconsole'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print 'WARNING: bconsole command is not executable from current user!' else: if not os.access(output, os.X_OK): print 'WARNING: bconsole command is not executable from current user!' bconsole_running = False while not bconsole_running: options['director_name'] = ask_question('Name of director to connect to (default: localhost-dir): ', default='localhost-dir') options['director_address'] = ask_question('Address of director to connect to (default: localhost): ', default='localhost') options['director_port'] = ask_question('Port of director to connect to (default: 9101): ', default='9101', validator=validate_open_port) options['director_password'] = ask_question('Password of director to connect to: ', func=getpass.getpass) print 'Connecting director with bconsole to verify configuration ...' # need a way to generate bconsole config before running this with BConsole.from_temp_config(name=options['director_name'], address=options['director_address'], port=options['director_port'], password=options['director_password']) as bconsole: if bconsole.is_running(): print 'OK!' bconsole_running = True else: print 'ERROR: Could not connect to director %s, verify configuration and try again!' % options['director_name'] # PRAGMA: no cover with open(OUTPUT, 'w') as f: f.write(TEMPLATE % options) print print 'Written to %s.' % os.path.realpath(OUTPUT)
if __name__ == '__main__': main() # PRAGMA: no cover # TODO: add notes how to proceed if we get an exception

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